LED Headlight Upgrades: Perfect for Everyone (Including You)
Headlights are crucial to safety on the road.
Larger, brighter white-light pattern
More efficient lights while drawing less power, leaving more power for popular add-ons like radar, cameras, and sensors
Conversion kits allow new LED headlights to run on older model cars
Tip: Remember, switching to high beams in fog or snow actually makes visibility worse!
Interested in seeing what vehicle lighting upgrades will work best for your vehicle? Please stop by one of our 5 locations: North Spokane, Washington Spokane Valley, Washington Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Boise, Idaho, Missoula, Montana, and one of our trained professionals can help.
Our radar and laser protection systems are designed for easy operation and trouble-free ownership. Our detector will alert you with audible and visual warnings. We offer portable and custom installed radar and laser detection systems. Stop in with your vehicle and we will show you the best product for your needs.